lundi 30 novembre 2009

Undoubtedly, an excellent hotel websites depend on how well the websites has captured the attention of the customers to click on the booking button. The first impression is the most important, it’s should reflects the ambience of what the customers will experienced.

As a general rule most hotel websites are usually catered to international markets, they need to consider the language barriers in other words, not all customers understand the same language so the websites should be a multilingual one. Secondly, ease of use, a clear and simple navigation where information is accessible. Moreover, important information should be readily visible to customers to convert them into interested visitors. The choice of the color and music is to create a homely and comfortable feeling for customers. On top of all, the functionality of the websites is very important, the websites has to load fast and a powerful booking system will eventually bring their hotel into the next technological era.

In addition blogs is definitely where hoteliers should be and to know how customers is inter-acting between each other through social networks like twitter and take this advantage to make customers participate in the company by subscribing to the hotel RSS feeds and promotion.