dimanche 13 décembre 2009

Doing well without OTAs

Nowadays consumers are looking for more and more transparency, they want to control their hospitality experience. It is becoming increasingly important for hoteliers to not only a varying price structure but also to know where to be, when to be and at what price. The real challenge is to know, how to capture the consumer attention while weaning off online the ota’s, in class we came up with different types of sites where hoteliers can represent their particular hotels:

 Niche site
 Portal site
 Lifestyle portal

Internet makes consumer's search more efficiently and the challenge for hoteliers is how to gets information to them, a good example is the application on I-phone that Accor group is using, to locate their customers and information’s are feed up to them proposing hotels rooms at competitive prices.


1 commentaire:

  1. OK, thanks for referencing the sites we discussed in class...now, what additional types of sites and portals should be used?

    Please use text links, not http copy-paste.
